Preventive Benefits

A healthy mouth is essential to overall wellness

Taking care of your teeth can not only lead to a healthier mouth, but can affect your overall health. Delta Dental's benefit plans are designed with that in mind. That's why we offer preventive benefits to encourage regular dentist visits. To find out if your patients have any of these benefits, log into our dentist portal.

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MaxOver™ rewards members for visiting the dentist for preventive exams and cleanings by allowing them to carry over a portion of their unused annual maximum benefit allowance for future use. So, when your patients need a procedure that costs more than their plan’s annual maximum benefit, the funds in their MaxOver account can help cover the difference.

MaxOver is not offered on all plans. To find out if MaxOver is covered under their plan, patients can log onto our member portal and review their benefits booklet.

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Prevention First

Prevention First stretches your patients’ annual maximum benefit allowance by excluding costs for preventive care and diagnostic services, such as X-rays, exams and cleanings, from their allowance, making more of their annual maximum available for other dental services throughout the plan year.

Prevention First is not offered on all plans. To find out if Prevention First is covered under their plan, patients can log onto our member portal and review their benefits booklet.

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Healthy Smile, Healthy You

Healthy Smile, Healthy You® provides additional benefits for important health conditions connected to oral health: pregnancy, diabetes, certain high risk cardiac conditions, and cancer treatment. Enrolled patients are eligible for one additional cleaning and exam.

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