COVID-19 Information for Network Dentists

At Delta Dental of Virginia, the health and well-being of our members, our dental care providers and our employees is our top priority. We are actively watching how Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing the way we all live and work. We are focused on ensuring that patients continue to receive oral care and treatment, and that our network dentists receive timely reimbursement for the services they provide.

We recognize that this is and will continue to be a very challenging time for you and your practice, and are committed to keeping you up to date with what's happening at Delta Dental of Virginia during this time. We will update the information on this page and send you periodic communications as the situation develops.

Important updates for provider offices

To help you better serve your patient populations during the COVID-19 outbreak, Delta Dental of Virginia is temporarily implementing the following changes.


We're covering remote exams.

To support you in seeing patients remotely, we will pay D0140 (limited oral evaluation, problem-focused) for patients seen in person or remotely through teledentistry. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure you receive payment for these services.

  • File code D0140 when performing remote exams for patients. Applicable frequency limits for evaluations, including limited and problem-focused evaluations, will remain in place at this time.
  • You may submit a teledentistry code (D9995, D9996) for patients being treated remotely. However, these are not considered reimbursable services unless already covered under a group or individual contract. To ensure payment, use code D0140 for exams performed remotely.

We're increasing your reimbursement on D0140 by 10%.

To help during this time of uncertainty, we are temporarily increasing your reimbursement on code D0140 by 10%.


We're extending the time period for appeals.

Effective immediately, we have extended the appeal window by 60 days for first and second level appeals on denied claims. This extension will continue through October 1, 2020, after which we will reassess.

Provider Communications

Below are recent email communications related to COVID-19 that were sent to our network providers. We will update this list as communications are released.

Important COVID-19 Information for providers — March 30, 2020

A message to our providers about our approach to COVID-19 — March 23, 2020

Last Updated: March 30, 2020