Protect your smile.

A little prevention can go a long way.

Delta Dental of Virginia does more to promote preventive dental services because we understand that good oral health means positive overall health, too. We provide a variety of benefit options that reward you for being proactive and engaging in preventive dental care. To find out if you have these benefits available under your dental plan, log into your member dashboard or check with your employer. 

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Healthy Smile, Healthy You

Healthy Smile, Healthy You® provides additional benefits for four important health conditions connected to oral health:

  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Certain high risk cardiac conditions
  • Cancer treatment

Once enrolled, patients will be eligible for one additional cleaning and exam beyond the ordinary limit per benefit period (or, if pregnant, during the term of their pregnancy).

Find out more about Healthy Smile, Healthy You

Healthy Smile, Healthy You is available to members whose employer offers the program.

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MaxOver™ rewards you for visiting your dentist for preventive exams and cleanings by allowing you to carry forward a portion of your unused annual maximum benefit allowance for future use. So, when you need a procedure that costs more than your plan’s annual maximum benefit, the funds in your MaxOver account can help meet the difference. 

MaxOver is not offered on all plans. For information specific to your dental plan, log in and review your member handbook.

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Prevention First

Prevention First stretches your annual maximum benefit allowance by excluding costs for preventive care, such as X-rays, exams and cleanings, from your allowance. This makes more of your annual maximum available for other dental services throughout your plan year.

Prevention First is not offered on all plans. For information specific to your dental plan, log in and review your member handbook.

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LifeSmile™ is a patient-centered oral wellness program designed to improve your oral and overall health. Ask your employer if LifeSmile is offered as part of your wellness program. 

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